Text with images
This is the most basic content element, you can easily decide with a few clicks how a block should look, the position and size of the image(s), and like all content elements you can change the appearence of colors, margins, paddings, transparency, etc. Additional to that, we've integrated the library to animate on scroll which gives every content element the possibility of creating an amazing user experience with all of your content by adjusting it's animation settings that are triggered by the viewer's scroll position.
The rich text editor offers you a variety of predesigned classes for your texts, so you can also create eye-catchers inside your texts (like this one)
Text styles (in rich text editor)
subheader of the content element
This are different examples of styles you can give to your texts:
- unordered list
- second item
- numbered list
- second item
heading 1
heading 2
heading 3
heading 4
heading 5
heading 6
code: <html> <h1> show your code in a propper way</h1> <p>so you can show everything with proper spacing<p> </html>
force your text to be shown in uppercase
Capitalize your text
A rather complex alert with heading
a box with the primary color of your company
and a last text with small
a box with the secondary color of your company
a success alert
a warning alert
error alert
information box
light color box
dark box
you can also use inline styles if you want to make only small marking
Complex lists
There's a special content element to handle complex lists
Inline list
- first item
- second item
- third item
Unstyled list
- first item
- second item
- third item
List groups
- first item
- second item
- third item
Definition list
- first item
- definition
- second item
- definition
- third item
- definition
File links
create lists with files and thumbnail previews (if images or pdfs)
- address-book.jpgEin aufgeschlangenes Buch.419 KB
- magnifying-glass.jpgEine Lupe auf einem Text liegend.953 KB
- woman-working_on_computer.jpgEine Frau arbeitet am Computer und im Hintergrund Zahnräder.526 KB
- written-paper-2.jpgEine Schreibmaschiene die auf Papier schriebt.549 KB
Easily create tables
Country Name | Country Code | Indicator Name | Indicator Code | 2017 | 2018 |
Aruba | ABW | GDP per capita (current US$) | NY.GDP.PCAP.CD | 25630.2664922069 | |
Afghanistan | AFG | GDP per capita (current US$) | NY.GDP.PCAP.CD | 556.302138508508 | 520.896602719135 |
Angola | AGO | GDP per capita (current US$) | NY.GDP.PCAP.CD | 4095.81294155857 | 3432.38573600893 |
Albania | ALB | GDP per capita (current US$) | NY.GDP.PCAP.CD | 4532.88919785143 | 5253.63006411357 |
Andorra | AND | GDP per capita (current US$) | NY.GDP.PCAP.CD | 39134.3933706717 | 42029.7627372989 |